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Stage School Fees

Key Points

  • Entrance into our casting agency is included in the term fees.
  • LAMDA/Trinity exam based syllabus working towards optional recognised qualifications.
  • Performance Opportunities! We perform at least two Shows a year!
  • No expensive uniform requirements, we provide the uniform!*
  • No Costume Fees, we provide all the costumes for all of our productions!**


Term Fees

A term usually consists of 11 sessions (we guarantee a minimum of  10 sessions to a maximum 13 sessions in a term) the sessions usually coincide with the Educational School term time. All sessions are three hours in length. Show days are usually held in addition to the term but are included in the fees. All dates and times are confirmed upon joining Big Red Curtain and parents are issued with a term calendar and updated on upcoming events through our newsletters.

The Current Term Fees are:


£320 per term

(per student)


£210 per term

(for each and subsequent siblings)


The above price is based per student and is for payments made by cheque or cash within the first week of term. Other payment methods are available but may incur an additional charge to cover administration and card handling charges.

We also offer a spread payment option paying the term fees over three months the individual payments are £110 per month either by bank transfer, postdated cheque or cash total amount payable for the term is £330 for the first student.   

For second and subsequent siblings paying the term fees over three months the sibling price is an additional £70 per month for each sibling either by bank transfer, postdated cheque or cash total amount payable for the term is £210 for second and subsequent siblings.   

We can also arrange other payment options (Card/Paypal) please contact us for further details.

A 5% discount on the term fees is available for existing students paying their Term Fees a calendar month in advance of the new term.

Larger Discounts are also available when paying for the year in one advanced payment. Contact Us for Details.

We are working hard to provide independent funding for scholarships and equal opportunities funding unfortunately as we receive no outside funding there are very few assisted places available and are usually reserved for existing students with mitigating circumstances.



* Uniform provided upon joining and replacement sizes can be requested after 1year, maximum replacement of one per year. Excludes lost uniform where any replacements must be paid for.

** Costumes are provided but personal accessories E.g. tights, dance shorts, t-shirts/vests and jazz/character shoes may require purchasing. Externally hired costumes may require a refundable security deposit.