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Trinity Champion Centre 2020-2021

Trinity Champion Centre 2020-2021

Big Red Curtain has been awarded Trinity Champion Centre status for 2020-2021


 We are pleased to have been awarded Trinity Champion Centre status for 2020 - 2021!

For more information please visit:

Trinity College London is our preferred Examination Board providing our students access to internationally recognised qualifications with higher grades carrying accredited UCAS points which can support applications for University and Conservatoire places. Big Red Curtain has been a Registered Private Examination Centre for Trinity College London for nearly a decade and our students value the opportunity to take Exams to verify their hard work and have the knowledge that they can continue their training even after completing Grade 8 by undertaking ATCL (Associate) and LTCL (Licentiate) Diplomas the equivalent of the first and final year respectively of an Undergraduate Degree.

Posted on 2 Mar 2020 by Chris Broadbent